R.M.P.D.K Rajapaksha
BBM (Uva Wellassa University), MBA in Tourism (SUSL), CQHRM (CIPM), CEE(UK) ,CPM (Asia) (Reading)
Email : shamila@uwu.ac.lk
Office : +94 553 128 943
BBM (Uva Wellassa University), MBA in Tourism (SUSL), CQHRM (CIPM), CEE(UK) ,CPM (Asia) (Reading)
- Master of Business Administration in Tourism (MBA) (2019-2021) in Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
- Bachelor of Business Management in Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management in Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, four years special degree in English medium.
- Chartered Qualification in Human Resource Management (CQHRM) in the Chartered Institute of Personal Management (CIPM)
- Certified Event Educator from Asia Pacific Institute for Event Management (APIEM)
- Certified Professional Marketer (CPM) (Asia) (Reading)
- Hospitality and Tourism Management
- Event Management
- Human Resources Management
- Marketing
Abstract Publications in Conference Proceedings
- P.I.N Fernando, R.M.P.D.K Rajapaksha, K.S.N. Kumari (2016), Tea Tourism as a Marketing Tool: A strategy to develop the Image of Sri Lanka as a Remarkable Tourism Destination. (International Conference on Business and Information, Kelaniya University, Sri Lanka.)- Awarded as best the Best Research paper of the track named Marketing Management. (Awarded as the best research paper of the track named Marketing Management)
- R.M.P.D.K Rajapaksha & C.P Danthanarayana (2019), Impact of Training and Development on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention, International Conference of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.
- R.M.P.D.K Rajapaksha, W.M.S.D.Jayathilake, C.P Danthanarayana (2019) Impact of Gamification Techniques on Employee Productivity in Hospitality Industry, International Research Conference, Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka.
- E.A.S.I Samarasekara, W.A.I Madhusankha & R.M.P.D.K Rajapaksha (2019), Study on Job performance of employees in Hospitality Industry: evidence from hotels in Kalutara district, Sri Lanka, 5 th International Tourism Research Conference, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- C.P Danthanarayana, W.A.I Madhusankha & R.M.P.D.K Rajapaksha (2020), An Analysis of Push and Pull Motives for Choosing Sri Lanka as a Honeymoon Destination: With Special Reference to Sothern Province, Institute of International Business and Governance (IIBG) Symposium, The Open University of Hong Kong.
Full Paper Publications in Conference Proceedings
- C.P. Danthanarayana, M.A.D..J. Jayathilake and R.M.P.D.K. Rajapaksha (2021),Role of Perceived Organizational Support in Determining Turnover Intention: A SEM on Employee Awareness of Smart Hotels in Sri Lanka, International Research Symposium 2021, University of Vocational Technology,
pp.160-169 - Danthanarayana, C.P., Rajapaksha, R.M.P.D.K.,& Madhusankha, W.A.I (2019), The Impact of Gamification Techniques on Employee Productivity in Hospitality Industry: Special Reference to Four and Five-Star Hotels in Colombo District, International Research Symposium and TexEx 2019, University of Vocational Technology, pp.176 – 183
Full Paper Publications in Journals
- C.P Danthanarayana, R.M.P.D.KRajapaksha& W.A.I Madhusankha (2020),Push and Pull motives to select Sri Lanka as a honeymoondestination, Journal of
Tourism Economics and Applied Research, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka- Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 2020 ISSN 2602-8662,64-74) - E.A.S.I Samarasekara, W.A.I Madhusankha & R.M.P.D.K Rajapaksha(2019), Study on job performance of employees in Hospitality industry – evidence from hotels in Kalutara district, sri Lanka. (Journal of Tourism Economics and Applied Research, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 2019, ISSN 2602- 8662, 32-39).
- P.I.N Fernando, K.S.N. Kumari & R.M.P.D.K Rajapaksha, (2017), Destination Marketing to Promote Tea Tourism, Socio-Economic Approach on Community Development. (International Review of Management and Business Research, Vol. 6 Issue.1).
- P.I.N Fernando, R.M.P.D.K Rajapaksha, K.S.N. Kumari (2016), Tea Tourism as a Marketing Tool: A strategy to develop the Image of Sri Lanka as a Remarkable Tourism Destination. (Kelaniya Journal of Management, Vol. 5 No. 2)
- Awards:
- The Best research paper of the Marketing track at the International Conference on Business and Information, Kelaniya University, Sri Lanka for the research paper titled “Tea Tourism as a Marketing Tool: A strategy to develop the Image of Sri Lanka as a Remarkable Tourism Destination.
- The Best presenter at the Staff Development programme for probationary lecturers (Cycle 22) 2020 for research proposal presentation at University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
- Memberships:
- Affiliated member of the Chartered Institute of Personal Management (CIPM).