With the vision of extending the wings of the HTE degree program, a separate club was established in 2017 and now it stands as a formal body that equips the HTE undergraduates with skills, knowledge, attitudes, leadership, collaboration and event planning and management skills. The tag line is ““engage, explore, cherish” “, the HTE club steps forward, setting up a number of events in which the members can actively engage. 

The club widening it’s media coverage created an FB page for better awareness and marketing the events organized by HTE undergraduates, being a perfect platform for public interaction and relations. 

The first task of the HTE club underwent, was the workshop that catered the scholars in 2018 and it was composed of table etiquettes and handling cutlery. 

It was proposed then, a “Mini Galena” to put up with the hope of getting the real out of the resources available in the HTE lab and the restaurant, providing more practical exposure for the HTE undergraduates. The event is called “DILETTO” – “a night to delight you” and has been organized catering for the academic staff and the UWU students offering the academic staff and the UWU students offering a unique experience. To say it’s progress ‘Diletto’ has passed several phases and will go ahead with further improvements. 

HTE club was able to go into the public through “HTE food stall” set up in relation to the Robot Battle 2018 organized by the Science and Technology degree program of UWU. It was of a huge success that it reached several other universities, university colleges, Technical colleges and institutions and schools participated in the robot battle. And then onwards, “HTE FOOD STALL” is put up for fundraising programs under the HTE club. 

HTE club still being too young, moves ahead with the contribution from the lecturers and the members of the HTE club, under the leadership of Prof. Ruwan Ranasinghe, the head of the Department of Tourism Studies.